Oh when I look to the shape of my heart,It's separated only by scarsThat cut in and cut outOh and leave me withoutOh a heart that functions at all.And when I look to the shape of the sky,I give thanks for this hollow chest of mine;That I no longer feelThe great weight of ordealsThat can make this life so unkindOh and if there's any love in me,Don't let it show.Oh and if there's any love in me,Don't let it grow.Oh when the wild was all covered by snow,I forgot the colours that the grass tend to grow.Oh the trees were all leafless,And lifeless and black,And I wondered if the leaves could grow backFor your heart is like a flower as it grows,And its the rain,Not just the sun that helps it bloom,And you don't know how it feels to be alive,Until you know how it feels to dieOh and if there's any love in me,Don't let it show.Oh and if there's any love in me,Don't let it grow.Oh and if there's any love in me,Don't let it show.oh and if there's any love in me,Don't let it grow.Oh and if there's any love in me,Don't let it show.oh and if there's any love in me,Don't let it grow. Noah and the Whale - Shape of my Heart
4 comentários:
O que posso dizer???Adoro adoro adoro! Sei lá!!!! :)
Talvez até ponha mais alto e dance um bocadinho...... :)
O que posso dizer???Adoro adoro adoro! Sei lá!!!! :)
Talvez até ponha mais alto e dance um bocadinho...... :)
Duas xs para n existirem dúvidas.
hahahahahahahah Oh Ventoinha, amor... eu disse que ia ser a VomVARRRRRR!!!!! e hoje pedia mesmo esta musica... mas amanhã ha mais! :P
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